the process of transferring a pretty big file over icq is begun and i notice how long a wait we're looking at... xerxes7: well, this'll be a little while glitch13: i'm downloading some (stuff) too, so maybe it'll speed up in a minute when it's finished x7: i certainly hope so the power curfew will be in effect in about thirty minutes g13: power curfew? x7: they shut power down to minimal usage here in great falls at 11:00 residences get enough to power the fridge, heater, and a couple clocks doesn't lift until six in the morning something about helping out california or some shit g13: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?! x7: they tried doing it volunteer-style at first, but that didn't work too well x7: i thought everyone knew about this g13: FUCK THAT! LEAVE THAT FUCKING PLACE! x7: dude, it's not that fucking bad besides, we can't just *leave* i mean, you could... but the cost is kind of prohibitive is gas still cheap there or something? g13: its not cheap but noone's shutting off our fucking power, its called capitalism, you pay your bill, you get your service. x7: it's called doing the right thing looking out for your own, that kind of stuff g13: whatever, you live in the boondocks, you're expected to suffer because S.F. has a population the size of china on the head of a pin? fuck that, let 'em suffer x7: look, the commandante says that if the rest of the country won't help out then we in the northwest need to do what we must g13: did you move to a socialist country or something? g13: i think its funny how power companies are showing record profit shortage my ass x7: i'm still in montana so i didn't move and we're not socialist cooperative capitalism, same as always g13: man, if i was head of the FCC i'd go and fuck them with a spiked condom x7: fuck who with a spiked condom? g13: the power companies g13: price fixing motherfuckers g13: we just fought a war 10 years ago, halfway across the planet so this shit wouldn't happen, and they go and fuck us anyway x7: huh well, whatever we're all doing our part for the collective greatness of our region sorry if that seems fucked up to you g13: DUDE ITS ALL BULLSHIT x7: what's so bullshit about it? if we work together we can get through this little trial and reap the benefits of our frugality in more prosperous times makes sense to me g13: not being able to cook a pot of macoronni and cheese in your own home whenever you want to (when you pay your bills) is a bunch of bull shit x7: who wants macaroni and cheese at midnight? besides, i've got stuff to make a sandwich with if i want it warm, i just stick it on top of the water heater for awhile g13: welcome to the new depression, care of the socialist regime and an FCC that's too pussy to attack anything but napster g13: WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! THIS COUNTRY ROCKED A YEAR AGO! x7: it's only a problem if you've got something to hide and need to take care of business at night anyway, it doesn't look like we'll be finishing this exchange in the next 15 minutes g13: sounds like a good philosophy to me, only criminals want freedom to do their crimes, ya right x7: this country still rocks, we're just going through some rough times and i'm not saying that only criminals want freedom, man it's just that there are some freedoms that lead to difficulty for society as a whole and as such need to be tempered by the wider-seeing eye of the government g13: you're fucking with me now g13: more government always cures the ails of too much government, right? x7: dude, how is helping others in a bad state of affairs fucking with you? x7: we don't have more government this is the same amount of government we've always had and the whole power thing isn't government it's an idea the power company had g13: ya, an airline has a strike, and government mediators show up to make sure shit runs right, power company starts blacking out cities, and its the power company that holds all the cards? ppffttt x7: dude, i don't even get what you're getting at now sorry it pisses you off that i don't have a problem with how we do things up here g13: who's enforcing this 'power curfew'? x7: the power company installed controllers on our meters they're remotely monitored and controlled so it's the power company g13: i am so pissed right now it hurts x7: look, it's honestly a good program and there are fringe benefits that nobody even planned on so despite the little bit of inconvenience you're caused if you're an early riser, it's actually a really cool program g13: I'm at a loss x7: okay, did you hear about the dude up here who was hacking people up? g13: nope x7: okay, i've only got a few minutes, so i'll make this quick x7: there were a few bodies found and they had obviously been cut up with power tools so they started looking to see who was sporadically using large amounts of power they narrowed it down to twelve possible houses and nailed the guy now if that's not bad-ass, i don't know what is g13: so, you might say in the process, they searched through your power records? x7: they caught the guy before he could hurt anyone else that's the main thing anyway, the curfew whistles are sounding off, so we'll have to continue this tomorrow g13: k, talk to you then (i wait a couple minutes saying nothing... glitch13 cancels the file transfer) x7: holy shit you really closed connection and everything good work, comrade! g13: =) x7: damn, that was fun g13: ? x7: i'm surprised that you only called me on it once g13: you suck ass x7: your allegiance to true freedom has been noted and should the revolution ever need help in the deep south you'll be contacted :-) thucka g13: you fucker