The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

-General George S. Patton
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Category: Misc
Sunday, January 7th, 2001 @ 09:16 am
thought i'd start this off by giving props to the amazing mister pants, star of my daily sites and source of so much endless good stuff. seems he got himself an article up at grand royal. you should read it for the following reasons.
1. it's about crazy japanese shit, so that's always good.
2. grand royal always has the fly hookup, being started by the beastie boys.
3. it was written by mister pants.
4. it was edited by she-who-does-not-know-she-will-get-a-transformers-valentine-from-xerxes7... mary chen.
mary chen is pretty cool and actually has stuff worth reading at the sometimes interesting diaryland. see her. read her. love her.

in other news... the further adventures of this past night's adventures on the net involved me running napster for the first time in awhile. jeepers, it still works. and it's even more international than i remember it. within five minutes of one another, a german guy and an italian chick contacted me basically to ask that i please let them grab their songs. (i've never understood that myself. if i'm going to cut you off, asking me not to isn't going to change the fact that i can be an asshole from time to time.) now trying to find a middle ground between two people who only have a slippery grasp of one another's languages is tricky as it is. especially when it's chat and you're not free to make goofy hand gestures and talk louder and slower so that those crazy foreigners can understand the language that god in heaven put in our mouths. when you're trying to work such a miracle with two different parties who are speaking two entirely different languages... well, let's just say it takes a genius the likes of me to get that shit done. and boy did i! both the german and the italian got their entire songs and we all agreed that we couldn't understand one another for fuck-all. (as i type this, i see that there is somebody by the name of puphdamajikdragun grabbing a song from me. he just got his shit cut off because i can be an asshole from time to time.)

what else what else what else???
oh. since i got the cable modem whiz-daddy, i've been playing with newsgroups. and i think i may actually be involved in what could be the beginning of a flame war. yay for me. for any of you inclined to see me holding down turf that might make glitch13 proud of me, head over to rec.music.video and check the thread entitled "Why no music videos?..." which- weirdly enough- was started by someone in metairie. why does everything come around and bite me on the ass so hard?

i'm trying to think of something else to share, but i'm at a loss right now. i'll prolly just come back later and add it.

i know it could just be me, but as i've been working on this, i've occasionally glanced up at that damned cam pic and something's driving me nuts. i know that what i'm actually seeing is what looks like the side of a monitor sitting on that couch. but for the life of me, it looks like ol' mister glitch is holding his left hand out to the side with his fingers extended outward and his thumb pointing straight up.
and i think it's driving me insane.


NAME: shifa al jazeera
WEBSITE: http://https://shifaaljazeera.com/
Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 @ 09:39 am

NAME: certificate attestation
WEBSITE: http://https://www.certificateattestation.ae/
Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 @ 04:20 am
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Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 @ 09:21 am
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NAME: Certificate Attestation
WEBSITE: http://https://attestationuae.com
Tuesday, May 4th, 2021 @ 09:20 am
Thank you for posting such a great article! I found your website perfect for my needs. 

NAME: glitch13
Sunday, January 7th, 2001 @ 01:20 pm
That's because I am. A military official contacted me a couple days ago and I got an experimental 'Monitor-Arm' bionic replacement for my arm.
