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Category: Misc
Monday, December 25th, 2000 @ 07:16 pm
so uhhhh... don't know what to say now that i'm actually posting articles instead of just comments. just wondering if everyone's having a magical xmas. xerxes7 would probably be babbling up a storm about his neat-o stuff and what santa brought him, but he's a little busy playing with the mr. t figurine that miss a and mister fix got him. (that thing rules... looks pretty cool standing next to edward scissorhands and rob zombie, too)

in other news...

being like a few thousand miles away from everybody, i got to spend the better part of this magical day on the phone talking to family-type peoples and i tell you, this is a strange little world. my little sister is now officially old enough to host xmas at her house. that shit really fucks my head. man, hosting holidays is something grown-ups do. when i was little, we'd always do things at our house or some other relatives' house. i don't know... maybe i'm the only one that is in awe of that kind of thing. and on top of that weirdness, it turns out that my little brother is officially joining the marines and becoming infantry. because he wants to. to paraphrase the mockfather, i guess i'll be going to a funeral at some point in the near future. brother in the marines, republican in the white house... logical conclusions abound.

i think i should be getting going now. supposedly there's going to be a party here tonight which means some preparations will need to be made. and mister fix says that i can invite anybody i want, so if any of you should happen to find yourselves in the vicinity of montucky before the sun comes up, you're welcome in. i'm sure things will be pretty exciting.



NAME: glitch13
Sunday, December 31st, 2000 @ 05:41 pm
Did hardgeus ever mention that he REALLY hates it when people say 'I don't care' in an argument? It takes the fuel out of his tanks and pisses him off beyond words.

NAME: glitch13
Wednesday, December 27th, 2000 @ 05:04 am
HAHA! And my bbs comes alive! MUWAHAHAHA!

NAME: ian the trogydae
Tuesday, December 26th, 2000 @ 07:47 pm
fair enough. and all told, npr news annoys the crap out of me, too. still, it's fairly harmless fluff for me to listen to when i'm driving to work at o-dark-early.

is there really a captain marmoset show????
oh, i just read this and i realized that i could be leaving myself open for a few pointers regarding what i *could* be listening to on the way to work.

for the record: i don't care.

NAME: foo
Tuesday, December 26th, 2000 @ 06:31 pm
> proudly claim to be able to masturbate using only his mind?

Well, I had to switch to my hand and softcore in the web...My mind is busy with computer shit.

And as far as politics...well...I have developed an extreme sensitivity to anti-republican "memes" being thrown around.

(memes being ideas that sort of have a life of their own)

It actually started right before the impeachment of Clinton. I was listening to NPR. I thought they were reasonably fair in their reporting. Tony Thibault told me to keep an ear out for the adjectives they use to describe republicans, and to the general tone of reporting on Republicans vs. Democrats.

This was my political awakening. Before this I was a pretty liberal guy. It was actually the liberal media that made me like this. So much of what is on TV and in movies is just unbearably political. And it has become so rampant that even 8 year old kids will spout out shit about republicans being racists.that they heard on "Captain Marmasat and the Zoo Crew"

I still like ya Xerxes, but I 'm ANGRY John now! I have a reputation to uphold.

NAME: ian the trogydae
Tuesday, December 26th, 2000 @ 02:57 pm
a non-opinion is what i chose to call a fact. a fact being a statement which can be checked up on. facts are not (contrary to popular use of the term) by definition true. they can simply be checked up on. the sky is red. gravity pulls things north.

i'm not saying that your statements aren't true, i simply chose that terminology as a way of saying that i didn't know if they were true or not and i'll go ahead and say now that i'm not the least bit inclined to go do the checking. republican or democrat in the white house, i'm not likely to be k1ll0r3d in the line of duty any time soon. unless "cowboys and indians" starts up again here on the high plains.

and when did you get so political? what happened to the guy that would sit there in p.e. and proudly claim to be able to masturbate using only his mind?

NAME: foo
Tuesday, December 26th, 2000 @ 11:17 am
> do have a number of non-opinions at your fingertips, though

What does that mean?

NAME: girlygirl
Tuesday, December 26th, 2000 @ 05:03 am
i'm just going to play it smart and not talk politics with any of you fags.

NAME: ian the trogydae
Tuesday, December 26th, 2000 @ 02:14 am
foo, you're a smart guy and all... but you're preaching to someone who could really give a shit about politics. you do have a number of non-opinions at your fingertips, though. so i guess you get some points there.

NAME: glitch13
Monday, December 25th, 2000 @ 10:57 pm
Whoa, can't make an offhanded political comment with you around.

NAME: foo
Monday, December 25th, 2000 @ 08:44 pm
Ok, hippie, time for a reality check...
Clinton has done more peacetime mobilization of the military than all other presidents COMBINED since World War Two.
Our military has landed - and fought (despite what the liberal media will shove down your willing throat) more times under Clinton than anyone else in recent history. We've had more casualties under this fucker trying to use the military as social workers than we had during Desert Storm.
Reason: under Republicans our military bombs the shit out of people and leaves. Under Democrats they hang around and try to rebuild the grass huts.
