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Category: Misc
Wednesday, May 16th, 2001 @ 09:05 pm
Posted By mr.fix
Well friends after Glitch's riveting acount of how ultimately rad he is at the art of picking up young boys and fooling them into thinking "what's in my pocket?"is a real game i was reminded of some thing i said to myself in my sleep last night. I said: You know fix? You can shit in one hand and lay a god damned egg in the other and hope that you don't drop the egg, but that don't mean yer any smarter for shittin' in yer own hand...
After that i woke up to the wind and the alarm and the realisation that shittin' eggs isn't really possible unless yer a fuckin' chicken. I was crushed and tormented but i was able to get dressed and get in the car to go to work. That being said i must thank my boss at work for sharing this scary ass site with me. It is called
EugenEmirman.com all of the info you get concerning it is from the image that i have shown of mighty Eugene! I will also add that there is a really bad ass fight between a fed and a cop, it scared all hell outa' me, well, in some parts. Really just the end.

In other news i found a picture of an old j.d. sexploitation wheel chair-jockey book written by none other than every body's favorite author Jack Dancer!!! From what i understand it is an empowering novel about a nympho and a cripple. The information that i have on Jack Dancer is that he was a novelist as well as a world renown peot, artist and photographer. Left to die in a ditch by his parents, Jack had to make his way in the world alone. With just his wits and what he thought was a giant rock from space, he moved from town to town until finaly he found a place he could call home. Beautifull Silverton Idaho...just kidding i don't really know anything about Jack Dancer, that story was about Joe Dirt from that big Hollywood movie Joe Dirt!! Any way enjoy the picture and if any of you run accross a copy of the book i would be very interested in purchasing it. Now for my favorite swear words of today!
    1)ShitCorn 2)CornHoler 3)fuck 4)micro brew
that is all!!!!!! you donkey fuckin' faggots


NAME: mr.fix
Thursday, May 17th, 2001 @ 06:33 pm
i'[m workin' on it! but if you got one girly go go gadget-girly!!

NAME: GirlyGirl
WEBSITE: http://Glitch13.com
Thursday, May 17th, 2001 @ 10:12 am
The Joker is the best...I can't stop laughing.
And if Fix can't come up with a new poll, I've got one brewing.

NAME: glitch13
Thursday, May 17th, 2001 @ 09:38 am
That is some creepy shit. I think I'm scarred.
And where's that poll boy?!

NAME: mr.fix
Thursday, May 17th, 2001 @ 12:54 am
yeah whoa! you chicken shit! coulden't even listen to the young lad sing peace train could ya?
...and you call yer'self a hippie(?y?)!!

NAME: ian the trogydae
Wednesday, May 16th, 2001 @ 11:29 pm
