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Category: Tech
Tuesday, June 14th, 2005 @ 02:39 pm
Posted By Brent

There's been a lot of speculation flying around recently concerning Apple's switch to Intel processors and I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring so that years from now people can link back to this and see how wrong I was.

Here's what I think will change: Nothing. Zip. Ziltch. You'll be making snowmen at Hitler's house before Apple even dreams of letting MacOS X run on commodity hardware. This makes Apple no more a threat to Microsoft than it's already been. This will not take focus away from Linux on the x86 architecture. Apple will continue down the path it's been on since rehiring Steve Jobs eight or nine years ago and retain a stranglehold on what machines their operating system is allowed to be put on. You will still only be able to run a Mac OS on a machine produced by Apple. You won't be downloading a pirated version of (or buying a copy of for that matter) MacOS X Tiger for Intel and installing it on your Pentium III. Ain't going to happen.

Now, as a tip of my hat to the dogged determination of hackers around the globe, I'm sure projects here and there will pop up on SourceForge explaining ways to actually get it running on commodity hardware. I also believe such projects will either be shut down by Apple, not have enough hardware support to be practical, involve instructions too byzantine to be followed by mere mortals, or a combination of all of the above.

So there. Pirates, you ain't getting MacOS X on your junker. Mac zealots, your precious gene pool isn't being diluted with "Wintel" slime. Douchebags, you will still be able to buy a cool looking computer that you don't really know how to use. I'm even sure that they'll rename the PentiumD they use to the Granite-X, the Cube-4D, or the the Strawberry-Douche using whatever gay ass formula they use to come up with their For-Marketing-Purposes-Only, quasi technical sounding names. Of course, not that the name "Pentium" has meant jack shit in ten years.


NAME: patrick
Thursday, June 30th, 2005 @ 10:55 pm
On the Intel Pentium D information page they mention dual-core all over the place, DRM nowhere.

NAME: brent
Wednesday, June 15th, 2005 @ 01:44 pm
I've heard debate back at forth over that, and Intel keeps denying they're going to build DRM on the chip itself. It's also supposed to be a dual-core chip, so there's another possiblity of where the D is coming from. Of course, not to say that Apple doesn't have a history of horrible, fair-use mangling DRM.

That being said, there are other non-nefarious reasons they'd want to move away from IBM, first and foremost being that IBM hasn't been able to consistenly deliver the performance that Apple tells it users it can produce. You can Pee on people's legs and tell them it's raining for only so long.

NAME: dr01d
Wednesday, June 15th, 2005 @ 01:29 pm
i agree with ya. from what I've read, the "d" in Pentium D stands for DRM (Digital Rights Management for those of you who have been under a rock the last few years) that is being hardwired into the processor. I'm sure Apple will use that to lock down their OS to only "approved" hardware from them. Sure, people will figure out a way to defeat it...

the more interesting reason someone suggested for all of this was that Apple is going to be offering video (a la an itunes like thingy) and the MPAA is paranoid about piracy. Since Steve Jobs is CEO of Pixar, he has a better chance than anyone of doing digital distribution of video using the "new" Apple computers with the Pentium D processor. You'll be able to download content, but will not be able to get it off of your computer. I would imagine everytime you want to burn a dvd of your purchased content, it will popup a method of paying for your additional copy or some shit.

NAME: scott
Tuesday, June 14th, 2005 @ 03:58 pm
That's bullshit. Pentium is latin for totally awesome computer.

Everyone knows that.
