Soon the world will be divided into two factions: Us, and those who's base belong to us. I know which side I will be on, do you?

-Astro Zombie from the original AYBABTU thread
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Category: Misc
Monday, January 22nd, 2001 @ 10:43 pm
Posted By Brent
Well, I started messing around with redesigning the site for no frames, but I'm still not sure about it. You can take a look at it here. The graphics were just something I kinda whipped up in a few minutes as a title bar, if I actually change it, I doubt I'll be that narcicistic (besides, I just wanted to know what I would look like on a tamagoochi). And remember that it won't look so cramped, seeming as I would have to bring the font size down and I couldn't change it on just that test page without making the change throughout. If you'd like to see what I'm talking about (and you're using IE), just jack your font size down a notch or two while viewing it.

Time for a lil' link'o'rama!

  • Christians reviewing QuakeIII: quoted as saying, 'I am certain the Lord would not touch this game with a forty-foot pole!'
  • Watch as lego people get down and dirty!
  • Where I will get all my news from in the future.

    As a sidenote, a message to people who know me personally: I don't have a land line, I have a cell phone and a cable modem: do not call me to shoot the shit. I value all of my friends, but not enough to label some BS conversation with them @ 39 cents a minute. If you want to get together, have something to ask me, just want to touch base, that's all fine. If you're bored and are looking at spending 30 minutes on the phone with somebody, just come over. I mean I'm fucking unemployed people, its a pretty safe bet I'll just be sitting here fucking with this site. (This, of course, isn't applicable to Feasty, who no longer leaves his house [ask him why, I have no clue]).

  • Comments

    NAME: glitch13
    Wednesday, January 24th, 2001 @ 09:54 am
    Ya, i bet! all I need is the kind of fucko's that view this site calling me all the time running up my minutes

    NAME: ian the trogydae
    Tuesday, January 23rd, 2001 @ 11:34 pm
    i'm sure if you'd just tell people on here what number to not call, they'd be polite and not call it.

    NAME: glitch13
    Tuesday, January 23rd, 2001 @ 12:54 pm
    I left them in wire conduit #4. go back and check, the CAT5 cable is running next to em, right under the coax for the security camera.

    NAME: Feasty
    WEBSITE: http://www.glitch13needsaphone.com
    Monday, January 22nd, 2001 @ 10:58 pm
    Where's the Ronnie James Dio MP3 Links??!!??!
    You fux0red me!
