RANDOM QUOTE | i hate that fucking liar. every word that comes out of his mouth is a fucking lie.
-AgainstOne (commenter on Kotaku) | |
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BLARG! BLARG! | | Category: Misc Saturday, March 24th, 2001 @ 08:51 pm
Well, guess who's birthday it is today!!! Hooray for Miss A!!! And on that subject, I got this shot to me in ICQ one day, it sounds like either Mr. Fix's or her work (they smoke crack, openly and often):
This shy guy was walking down the street and suddenly his attention was attracted to the lost doll. "Why not take it with me?" the guy thought. "Perhaps I will place the ads in the local newspaper in order to find the master of the doll.
"OOPS !! What on earth is going on? Is it moving or something?!" The doll seems to be alive, turning out to be an excellent dance partner of this happy shy guy! Sometimes strange and funny things do happen with us, don't they?
You 're in the army now! If only Phil Collins
could have the idea what the army life may turn out to be according to CL Studio standards.Sometimes it is hard to bear,sometimes it is not,but it is always a great fun to be a soldier like that! Just try to guess: are these professionals or just newcomers?
Do you think they will succeed or fail? Actually you never can tell, sometimes soldiers are strong-willed and sometimes they are just the waste of space.
Well, besides that, a whole week of work is now under my belt and all I have to say is GODDAMN. Because the doof 'training' me is a moron, I will be forced to write all of my applications The Wrong Way(tm), and to top it all of, because they don't understand The Right Way(tm), when they look at my code they think I don't know anything just because they can't glean out of the whole thing that there are ways to program that involve PROGRAMMING, not code wizards or data binding, or any other gay ass M$ shit that you need this much (I hold up my hand and bring my forefinger and thumb close together) experience and/or knowledge to actually fool yourself into thinking you have some sort of skill. Whew, that was a long fucking sentence.
Anyway I was hoping to make this a good post, but I seem to have run out of stuff to say, stuff that doesn't envolve my job that is, cause I know how all of you love hearing about geeking programming stuff. Besides, I just got finished pump knuckling the whisker pig and my hands have that faint 'dick smell' on em, its sorta distracting if you know what I mean. Guess I should just bite the bullet and go jump in the shower[file delete from archive].
I'm sorry if you all think that I've been lying but there really is a new issue of WTFIT? on the way, Its just really hard to try to search for porn with something weird in it these days, goats and house hold objects just seem to be old hat in today's fucked up view on pornagraphy. I'm gonna run, but I suppose I leave you all with another psuedo-set of cool latex porn:
FIRST DAY AT NEW JOB | | Category: Misc Monday, March 19th, 2001 @ 09:25 pm
| Well, like the title says, it was my first day in my first 'professional' programming environment, and all I gotz to say is HOLY SHIT. In a complete microsoft shop, people think you're a retard if you actually code an application instead of using some sort of fruity Microsoft wizard to build it for you. These people were so fucking FREAKED that I avoided wizards more than creepy old men, that they made me sit there for half the day reading some fat microsoft developer bible. I had always thought programmers were the elite, you know, smarter than your average bear; man, did I guess wrong.
Anywho, I almost have enough fuel for another episode of 'What the Fuck is That?', so expect it in the coming days. Now, if only Ian or Xerxes would post soon, life would be good (don't make me make another drunken dialpad.com call in the wee hours of the morning).
Oh yea, I'm thinking of actually adding some graphics now that I have the site's code pretty much solidified, so throw some suggestions my way.
NEW DESIGN IS UP! | | Category: Misc Friday, March 16th, 2001 @ 08:13 pm
| OK, The new design is up. I realized a while ago that I wasn't closing all my database connections so I went ahead and cleaned it up, and kicked the frames to the curb in the process.
Well, I think I'm going to add another color to the color scheme in a while, but for now I just wanted to get the site back up and online. Go ahead and vote in the poll telling me how much you despise the new layout, I don't give a shit.
One more thing before I jump off topic, I'm sure there's a shit load of bugs in the new page, I'm not able to jump around looking for them right now, but if you see anything heniously out of wack, drop me a line in the comments.
I finally got my Ash toy in, and I have to say, IT FUCKING ROCKS! I can now say with all confidence, that I am much cooler that all of you put together.
Well, that's it, I've blown my load for the night, more porn to come tomorrow when I've got the ole juices flowin'.
I GOT A FUCKING JIZZOB! | | Category: Misc Friday, March 16th, 2001 @ 12:44 am
| Well, as the title states, I'M GETTIN' MY ASS PAID! This is the first time I've actually gone out and gotten a job based on a trade skill rather than being a coffee house scrub (no offense to current coffee house scrubs), of course apart from being hired as an 'apprentice' with my first programming job. Pretty fly ass office location too, but I'm not saying who it is, you know, with the sort of content I serve on this site, I don't want to be identified.
Well, I'm moving the site outta frames in a couple of days, so expect a design change soon. I have to code for the new page, but there's always little hiccups when doing such shit so in all probability the site will be down for a few hours sometime in the next couple of days.
Dink, from the School of Ass, threw me up a link a couple of days ago, so I just wanted to give him the perfunctory nod (I was applying to be the New Orleans correspondent for City Eye before he stopped doing it), and to let all of you people hitting the site from over there to shop around, there's not alot of content on this site, but I pride myself by thinking the little content that is here, is pretty damned funny (be sure to check out the Features link on the left hand of the page, specifically the 'What the Fuck Is That?' feature, its more fun than a dead bloated hooker in the trunk of your car).
Well, that about does it for this update, here's some porn, be sure and feel the love:
GOD DAMN THAT SUCKED | | Category: Misc Wednesday, March 14th, 2001 @ 02:44 am
| "...and the homosexuals travelled across the plains in droves, like a mass of bees to golden honey...and their leader looked to the sky with eyes of steady grey stone and nodded with a courage unknown to the savage land, and said "I am Ian The Trogadae... I am the leader of the homosexuals."
With that being said, welcome back! My webserver took a nose dive for a while there and I thought I was going to lose it. Anyway, I'm sacrificing myself for the greater good at the moment, let me explain: I've been hosting the site and firewalling my network with my main machine this whole time, so when IIS (the webserver software for the layman) decided not to work anymore, I took it as an opportunity to throw together a new machine that I had parts squirreled away for. Well, I'm glad to say its up, and that's what you're viewing this on right now.
But alas, I did say I was sacrificing myself didn't I? Well, you see, FUCKING INTERNET CONNECTION SHARING (yes, it deserves caps) is refusing to work, so while all of you get the splendor of viewing this, I have no internet access at home (except, of course, off of the webserver, but its a piece of shit - you really can't even casually surf with efficiency).
Well, that's the saga folks, and as you can tell its not over yet.
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