I would kill everyone in this room for a drop of sweet beer.

-Homer J. Simpson
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Category: Misc
Friday, April 30th, 1999 @ 05:55 am
Posted By Brent
You're probably wondering why in the hell nothing has happened here in quite a while... Well, you insensitive pricks, it's because i'm in the throws of my bi-annual(that's annual you goddamn sickos) bout of strep. Yep, a yummy layer of strep infected puss has claimed ownership of my tonsils and general throat region rendering me inable to please you mindless dolts with updates of my slowly progressing website. Anyhow, here's what I've discovered thus far: If you're desktop is set a 256 colors, it doesn't matter if this page looks like crap, because you should toss the hunk of shit out the window and buy a real computer. Even if your resolution is set at 800X600, you still may not be able to see all of the menubar on the left if you have all of your fancy doodads and buttons on you browser's toolbar displayed (I didn't notice this for a while, although McDonald's employees may need a picture of a cheeseburger on thier register to ring it up correctly, I do not need a little picture of a house to know that the button that says "HOME" will bring me to my starting page). Enough piss and vinigar for now, I must drink fluids, take antibiotics, and pray the drizzling shit fairy doesn't visit me whils't im ill. Take care kiddies. .


Category: Misc
Friday, April 23rd, 1999 @ 03:58 am
Posted By Brent
Threw some titles up just for the sake of doing something else to the site. Pusher said he's gonna make a logo for the border but i suppose i should just wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. Oh, if you've been wondering what im going to put in the files section (no, my goat pictures are personal), I'm thinking of throwing up a gallery of pics and animations of models and other such graphical wizardry that we're hardly capable of but you'll believe we did it because you're dumbfucks


Category: Misc
Thursday, April 22nd, 1999 @ 07:32 am
Posted By Brent
OK, now that the page is uploaded, im a Netscape man so i have no idea if it works with IE, i will now use this time to explain what the hell this site is going to accomplish (seeing as the 411 button over there <== is as of now defunct). As of now, i have no idea. It will either be a page dedicated to 3Dmodeling and animation or personal sounding board for how i hate you all. Just kidding about that. The Nifty Blue Border will soon be spiffed up with a logo and a couple necessary links so don't be thrown off by its total blandness, this too will change. I also need to make a few titles for this, the News page, and the other various pages that abound this site. This hosting company, FortuneCity (from here on reffered to as FortuneShitty) says it has a "banner bot" that runs through the server every week and sticks FortuneShitty's banner ad in here. I'll try to stay on top and yank it out every week until i get a decent host. If you know of a script i can get that will yank it out automatically, please feel free to point me to it. I'm not to hot on the idea of it rooting through my privates and depositing its seed like a drunken frat boy on the last night of spring break, and there's the fact that it may screw my frame layout. Oh yeah, in case you didn't know this is glitch13, your devilishly handsome proprietor, and my cohort in crime would be the talented pusher (no relation to the movie "The Mack" ). Together we make up (insert drum roll) Pungi Stick Productions (motto: There's a little bit of Charley in all of us). Enjoy, visit, rant, rave, shit your pants, but you better have a license for that goat.


Category: Misc
Thursday, April 22nd, 1999 @ 04:23 am
Posted By Brent
I'm still trying to get the jist of this whole frame thing, im a frame virgin.


Category: Misc
Thursday, April 22nd, 1999 @ 01:06 am
Posted By Brent
Holy shit! It's ALIVE..... ALIVE!!


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