RANDOM QUOTE | He took a duck in the face at 250 knots.
-William Gibson | |
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TWO WEEKS IS EVEN LONGER |  | Category: Misc Monday, August 20th, 2001 @ 08:32 pm
| this is just a nothing post. got tired of seeing the old one when i'd check to see what was happening since the code red fiasco. oh, and i'll be in new orleans in mere weeks. yes!!
GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR! |  | Category: Misc Saturday, June 30th, 2001 @ 06:39 pm
So, John was telling me that in Asian societies, having hugenormous eyeballs is some sort of sign of beauty, so they try to open their eyes as much as possible during photo oportunities. I never thought much about it till I ran across this pic during my daily pr0n parusal. Now don't get my wrong, that chick is hot (yo), but my god, it looks like she just spent 4 hours with the doctors from Clockwork Orange. I wonder what they think of those people who can pop their eyeballs out and wiggle em around, maybe they're revered as some sort of god. Probably not, probably just think they're freaks like we do, but ya gotta wonder...
So, the writers will notice (if you bastards ever took the time to even come here once and a while) that when you log in, a little link will appear in your upper right hand side of the page, no matter where you go on the site, that will bring you back to the admin page. I got kinda tired of either having to backpedal through handfulls of pages or relogging to get back to it. Ya, I know how great I am, you can thank me later.
Most of my friends are outta town this weekend, so I'm kinda just bumming around. I'd call jason to see if he wants to get together, but he'd prolly just flake like he's done the past two times. Fargin' bastage. I'd call John, be he think's my choice of drink is "Vile", he just can't handle the truth baby. That's right bitch, I DON'T NEED THE GIRL! I DON'T NEED THE GUN! I CAN BEAT YOU MATRIX!!! Ten bonus Brent Bucks good at any neighborhood Guido's Oil Change and Adult Bookstore go to the first person who can identify that quote (as long as that person isn't John).
Speaking of quotes, I've long secretly despised people who have the terminal condition know as "Can't Stop Quoting Monty Fucking Python". Well, recently I've found people at my work are getting similarly annoyed with my quoting of Caddyshack and Top Gun; So I just want to apologize: TUFF SHIT.
Enough rambling about whatever is popping into my head at the moment, here's a lovely lady:
JUST A QUICK UPDATE |  | Category: Misc Saturday, June 9th, 2001 @ 12:36 pm
I've been wondering why its been over a week since I changed the DNS entry and still some poeple can hit my site and some can't (namely me). Well, I found out. Seems my DNS provider had me set up so I can have numerous sub(?) domains like poopoo.glitch13.com, ILoveCheese.glitch13.com, ad infinitum. So what happened was I changed glitch13.com to the new IP, but not www.glitch13.com, so the poeple who have been able to hit the site have been going to glitch13.com with out the www. Well, I fixed all that shit so it should be rocking and a-rolling in a few days.
Blah blah blah.
SANITY A FIX FOR BREAK OF |  | Category: Misc Wednesday, June 6th, 2001 @ 06:45 pm
it's been a while since i've left any of you with any thing close to cognasent so i will give you a run down of what i've been doing...Drinking. that and reading JEFFK!!!1 which i really didn't need to link to but since some wandering ignorant may stumble upon the page i figured i would... i also would like to offer an explanation of my last post:Drinking, and i am a sociopath, also mix that with a dash of general chaos and you have your explanation. that being said please continue gazing upon the picture to the left of screech dressed as robo-cop from saved by the bell.
post script:if i can get FLASH5 to stop sucking my dick i will post something mondo cool or link to it pretty soon...think don knotts back from the fuggin' grave...cork screw cocks!
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